Monday, October 24, 2011

Puppy Chow Made With Corn Flakes

Josh and I made plans to have a couple of our friends over last night for a game night and we were each making a dessert for it. I decided to make puppy chow, but I did not feel like going to the store to get chex because I already had everything else. I had a huge box of corn flakes and figured they would work just as well because they taste the same and they are both corn. The only difference is the shape.

Well it turned out great! Josh decided that he likes them better than with chex and I kind of agree! I tweeked a chex puppy chow recipe and added less cereal and more chocolate so that there would be lots of clusters... Yummmm!

I melted about 1.5 cups of semi-sweet chocolate chips on the stove top and added about 1/2-3/4 cup of peanut butter and stirred them together. I poured about 7.5 cups of corn flakes in a big bowl with a lid and then poured the chocolate-peanut butter mixture in and mixed it until just about every flake was doused in chocolate. Then I always just put the powdered sugar in depending on how it looks and I like a lot:) So I will pour some in and cover the top and place the lid in the bowl and shake it for a minute or two. Then check it and keep adding more until all the clumps are covered to your liking! Pretty simple!